CyberpunkXXx developers: “We are seriously tuned and not abandon the project”

Indie-developers from Gamerflex Studios, published the first diary of developing their cyberpunk for adults Cyberpunkxxx, which reported that this is a serious project that will be completed and will not be abandoned overnight, "How many other games have done recently". They also talked about how the game was transferred from Unreal 4.27 on Unreal 5.1

The creators said they will publish information about the development progress, "To show you all, how things are going on, learn about the development of characters/history and even get critical reviews about the direction of development of the game".

As we said earlier, when we laid out a demo version 0.2, we mentioned that we spent time to transfer the game from Unreal 4.27 on Unreal 5.1. Oddly enough, we had no special problems with the transfer of assets, drawings, sounds, etc.D. Therefore, we were very happy to start exploring new opportunities 5.1, such as Lumen (amazing lighting) and nanite (also amazing), but we were faced with one huge problem. The performance was absolutely sloppy. The frequency of personnel fell incredibly almost half, and the entire gameplay seemed sluggish and unstable.

Now it is widely known that 5.1 requires more effort to launch the editor, but the use of Nanite and other optimization tools, as well as other advantages, ultimately justifies itself, and use 5.1 opens up much more opportunities in the future, but. You just have to make the game work more efficiently, for example, reduce the amount of materials/textures, clean, etc.D. We also realized that our ancient 1070ti can no longer cope! We will leave one of the PC with 1070TI cards, because if we can make the game look excellent and work smoothly on this map, we can play more people in the game. Everything is simple.

The developers also talked about how much work took the general design document.

We had an approximate sketch of the plot, gameplay cycles and various mechanics that we wanted to implement when we just started this game more than a year ago, but as we develop, we know our skills and restrictions, and therefore we can create a game that will not suffer from excessive ambitions will not be scored by mechanics who will take the development time, bringing only insignificant benefit to the player. We have worked in more detail the plot, and now we have a clear idea of ​​how mission/quests will be realized in the game world, as well as how the characters will be located within the plot.

At the end, the authors promised to show during the next months "More world -building, as well as more characters, including an additional playable woman, more sexual content, more vehicles, more interaction with the environment, and also, if time permits, monetary system, inventory, and finally,, finally. goals".