Todd Howard is satisfied with the Starfield graphics, a lot of work has been done over the Creation Engine 2 engine

Appearing at the Xbox Games Showcase 2023, Starfield managed to hit everyone and, above all, thanks to its graphic rendering, without failing to cause some disputes due to 30 fps. But, despite this, Todd Howard was very pleased with the graphics of his game.

The development of Starfield began eight years ago, and throughout this time the Creation Engine 2 engine, which has evolved several times thanks to the intervention of the technical team, was also the subject of close attention. At the beginning of 2022, a group of advanced technologies of Microsoft even joined the main team, which provided their knowledge in the service of the Bethesda graphic team to help them optimize the game on Xbox Series X and Series S.

In a recent interview, Todd Howard praised his guys for the graphic performance of Starfield and the potential of the Creation Engine 2:

We are really satisfied with the new engine, its creation took us a lot of time. Members of our technical team led by Chris Rodriguez and Joel Dinolt – just wizards. What we were able to do in the game, these fantastic things, simulated objects in people’s spaceships, planets, lighting model, all this is just fantasy. This is global lighting in real time.

Howard is looking forward to when players can enjoy the interaction of light with voluminous fog on planets, as well as a system of physics and how gravity affects the gameplay.

Well, the main thing is that Todd is satisfied, and we will tolerate

Modesty decorates a person.

It would be strange if the main person of development at the supposedly prefinal stage of the process suddenly gave out something like "even I doubt what we are doing, even if the graphene is like that, some hat".
And so well praised himself, well, well done. The main thing is to buy Starfeld.

If you are a fan – go and buy a stalfield and don’t think. There are two options: the game will be good and you have not lost anything. The game will be bad, but you are a fan and nothing to worry about.

Ebsolutley Wright! Fortunately, I am not a fan of the unhesis and I will pass Starfeld only on YouTube, and even it’s not a fact that)

And it is right. And the fans will still buy and pre -order who would not say anything. And it is impossible to change this, since it is life. I am personally a fan of the Diablo. Therefore, whatever I tell me, but I pretended D4 on the first day. Whether I was disappointed at the start ? No, although I abandoned it before the season. And this is normal. I would like to buy Starfield as a pre -order? No, but I am not a fan of the gazebo.

How can you be a fan of what is not yet and was not? I understand this would be a new part of your favorite series, and here is a new product

Easily. Fan of the gazebo + cosmos lover. That’s all.

The graphics in the game are quite average, this is not scary if the overall picture and lighting are pleasant, this is enough, but the animations and plastic faces of the NPS look bad.

Like Cyberpan

What are you surprised at ? is not it ?

Cyberpan is worse

I play the GTX 960 and there yes the graphon is low but those who play in the CP2077 on the ultra would be beaten if you said it in public. But don’t pay attention at all, I’m just a fan of this game 🙂

They promise, as a result, an unptimged feces will come out) Mod Maqueers and then do more beautifully

And which of the scrolls or follyca was neoptimized?

You played a friend on these games on the release? Skyrim was wildly gluttonous, the third folich too, but about 76 I am generally silent

Skyrim spiral on a release and 3 folich.Nifiga did not need to need to tremble.Perhaps if you had a calculator.About 76 Negroes.And for the license plate it can be not counted.Skyrim what is there?>

While all these are words, how we will work out.

Every day new news about Starfield)))))

Skyrima stinks. Lighting is all the same wretched. Such black shadows are not possible.

Well, I don’t know, for me the graphics have not gone far from Folych, closer to The Outer Worlds, animation is still the same miserable from these games

We know the collapse gravity when you take a glass of a hundred tables, and the rest of the dishes scatter throughout the room.

This is not gravity, it is a shock wave.

All the dishes were quantovo confused. When I took a glass, the plates scattered after him.

You see, you can take a glass from the table. In some games, you can’t even jump without an accurate place for this place, and there can be no talk of free interaction.

I don’t understand how they determine when it is necessary to give the engine a new figure, and when – early?

In addition, Creeshne is an old gamble that they are honestly fraudstaling for Skyerim.

A group of advanced technologies joined Microsoft, which has provided its knowledge . to help them optimize the game

. They will begin to bring the loot. I think it will be more correct.

The most important thing is that they would not make mods only paid. And everything else is optimization, improved graphics, 60 FPS, etc.D. – They finish models.

Laziness here to throw about Howard

. When you pre -order.

. When you bought a game.

. When you close your eyes to the next mistakes.

Well, if you hear it yourself, I am satisfied! Of course I run, dropping feces to pre -order!

To be the same satisfied Creation Engine 2 as Todd, you will need to have at least RTX 4080

4090 on board, all the same as they will be stolen there with optimization, and so they will pull

Everything will be sharpened there and optimized for AMD cards. We need to run to a red store.

" Starfield managed to hit everyone and above all thanks to her graphic rendering. " – a little of the wrong praise that you are waiting for Roleva games. There are enough players in the graphone with rail shooters, but the graphics in scrolls and folyut have always been secondary business – who could twist modes, the rest played and so.

The main thing now is that the SF does not become another courier simulator, only a galactic scale.

But why play the Nawographic Follauts and Skyrim and recall them in the hundredth time, if there are many pixel and noushon RPGs/semi -RPG, in t.h of the zero times, which will certainly definitely give you pleasure without the need to pass the same quests several times for the sake?

Feed your own taste, haha) on the same Skyrim – the most Popular Fashion is Graphic, Although basically this is a banal improvement in things and the environment up to 4K resolution.

Well, whoever needs to and not play Skyrim, if the game itself needs to be collected manually from small details of enthusiasts, in the manner of Lego. Stupid phrase.

Like, this is the meaning of all role -playing games – recall the game with a conditional warrior, archer and magician, seeing objective differences Roleva Models.

Especially effective, if the same quest can pass 1) with a battle, 2) diplomacy, 3) stealth.

The whole Universe of the Games of Larian is based on this scheme, including the freshly -haired Baldurs Gate 3.

Of course, you can continue to mow under the fool, asking – why play the devil, if everything comes down to the murder of the same skeleton, but with different stats and the collection of the same loot.

Or why play the races, if they have only two turns and two sides of the following. And in all races without exception.

And I will grieve, but for the games of the game line, ancient scrolls – The most popular Modes are assembly, ruling balance and adding new functions. For example, Overcurus Overhol or full -fledged new games based on existing ones – Nehim or Endural for Oblivion and Skyrim, respectively.

Well, whoever needs to and not play Skyrim, if the game itself needs to be collected manually from small details of enthusiasts

I wrote quite specifically and unequivocally – who needs. Maybe someone does not need to play in the Starfield Country, it will be enough to turn on the tyb with someone’s flyers and watch the potential courier simulator until you get tired.

Sakbe, this is the meaning of all role -playing games – to recall the game with a conditional warrior, archer and magician, seeing the objective differences of the role model.

This is not a role. This is a class inherent in your role. In this case, your role is Dovakin, the Savior of the world, who is as he wants. Or, if you do not pass the plot, scoring on it and passing through the hundredth time passing the quests – either you come up with the role of yourself, or take on the smaller internal roles that the game presents to you. In the first case, it is not difficult for me to play in the tables, I can also be so abruptly there, and in the second, this, well, Zashkvar, taking into account the filling of Skyrim. It is impossible to try hundreds of hours in all seriousness if you are an adequate person.

Your class (read – "role model") does not apply to this choice. In any case, you can try to go through the quest you mentioned any of the ways, if only you have enough personal skill or, if everything is tied on cubes, specific skills/parameters, sometimes just good luck. And in Skyrim, it does not really smell like your diplomacy, however, like Stlas in quests.

Yes, it seems. No? Yes, there is a class system for your and non -characteristic characters, only this is the problem – it is needed only for reigla. This is not, God forbid, some of your personal roles there, this is a character with his backstory, which carries its combat function for obstructing obstacles. This in itself is not Role Game, this is its optional part, which allows people to play three hundred hours in the demo of the Third Baldurs. Only there is at least there is reigree, and Rolevka itself is also, in which, a surprise, you getting used In the role, unlike.

Of course, you can continue to mow under the fool, asking – why play the devil, if everything comes down to the murder of the same skeleton, but with different stats and the collection of the same loot. Or why play the races, if they have only two turns and two sides of the following. And in all races without exception.

This cannot even be commented, a crime against humanity.

I wrote quite specifically and unequivocally – who needs. Maybe someone does not need to play in the Starfield Country, it will be enough to turn on the tyb with someone’s flyers and watch the potential courier simulator until you get tired.

Well, I quite specifically wrote that Whoever needs to be played in Skyrim, if the game itself needs to be collected manually from small details of enthusiasts, in the manner of Lego. And what will we do if all who needs it – it needs, but you don’t have a TODA?)